Phasing Experiments with MSP

While controlling the phase of a simple oscillator is easy, it is quite difficult to control the phase of a recorded sample, as it consists of many many frequencies. The amount a signal needs to be shifted is changes with the frequency. One way to achieve this is to use a fourier transformation, which translates an amplitude-over-time signal into the frequencies that it’s made up of.


One main idea which evolved during the second and third day was to work with balance and sound since both happen in the ear. We took a balance board as inspiration and started creating a concept with it. For this we wrote some questions to figure out what our intentions/possibilities are.

First we did some tests in the Schnittplatz at ZHdK to check if it would work with 4 speakers. We chose to work with the app Syntien on the phone and Max 8.


Day 4

Day 4.5